Widths in cm: 12.5 / 13.5 cmWidths in inch: 5” / 5 1/4”Ring-Ø: 60 mm - 2 1/3"Thickness: 16 mm
International article number: 2451
Easy Control - More control, less presure!: More effective impact with less pressure on the reins, enables easier communication between horse and rider by means of autodidactic effect, especially effective against strong pull tendency
Anatomical: More direct action
haracteristic/problem of the horse: Strong against the riders hand; Temporarily uncontrolled
Only suitable for skilled riders: Yes
Impact on the horse's mouth: Strong
Suitable for young/unbroken horses: No
LPO - Kl. A-M Jumping / Kl. A - L Jumping Yes
LPO - Double bridle Kl. L- S No
LPO approved: Yes - please note further information (All statements without guarantee)
LPO - Jumping Kl. E No
Special action Turns into a straight bar when the horse goes too much against the rider's hand/ Lateral guidance from the outside; bit cannot be moved sideways/ Bit itself always strong / curb-bit
LPO - Snaffle / Class E Dressage Rider / Class E- S Dressage No